Have you noticed? The days are getting shorter again, and...
Yesterday, Canadians across our wonderful country celebrated the 20th Anniversary of National Aboriginal Day. The Galt Museum, here in Lethbridge, had the grand re-opening of Fort Whoop-up, down in Indian Battle Park. It was also our son Spencer's birthday, too!(35!) That event often falls on Fathers Day (third Sunday in June here), and often coincides with the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year; in this part of Canada we have significantly more hours of daylight now than the days of mid-winter. I would also like to retention, this week we also celebrate Pride Week, and even Lethbridge has a number of events in which to participate. In the midst of these there is also Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day (French: Fête de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste) on June 24. This is organized and presented by our Francophone community here, encouraging all to join in.
THEN, Next week comes Canada day, July 1st. I am a real flag waver; a proud Canadian! and Father! with lots of ideas to share.