This is NEWs for you TFN This is Friday's fake NEWS
Who'd a Thunk?!? I launch TFN that very SAME Day ! Sean Spicer resigns from the Whitehouse...?!
I've been delinquent in posting on this blog for some time; well Jan 20th. except for an insert on 7-7-17
My Bad. It was I guess too traumatic a day for me. So this is what 's NEWs; fake as it is.
TFN for Friday 42937 (in Excel)
as per
Or Friday, 21 July 2017 in the Gregorian format Calendar. Just wait till you see the Discordian Calendar name for this date: Year of Our Lady of Discord 3183
But I am ahead or behind myself. More on that next week. Speaking of which...
Fair warning! this may or may not be done weekly.
Full Disclosure!
This is intended for fun, humour, and may or might not have something to do with the past week’s news reports, that I have seen or heard… somewhere.
Some items may be news headlines, or complete news reports authored by me, simply concocted from my dreams.
I don’t want to get political or religious in this blog; but there is only so much restraint that I can maintain! So the odd item may show up.
There’s lots more; but that would take a manifesto; maybe, at a later date.
In The Meantime I will post these on my social media accounts @45pictures and I have also set up a page dedict3ed to TFN on this website.