Bitcoins are OUT ! Bitstamps are IN !
No. 10 TFN This is Friday ~ 43182~ (that's in Excel format) for March 23, 2018 Or as I’d like to call it in Discordian terms ~Boomtime, Discord 9, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3184 ~ …as per
To be Truthful, as I must be (!) I have not posted anything for TFN since late last year!! OMG! NO! InDeeD! I felt it was a terribly nasty winter in my part of the world. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn’t bring myself to post anything until today. Yes, I missed New Years (at least 3 of them!), Ground Hog Day, Valentine’s, Mid-terms, Budget days, even International Women’s Day, Water Day, yes and even Laugh-out-loud Day.
So what prompted this post, aside from the obvious? Well on Wednesday my wife and I visited the Galt Museum, Wednesday afternoon presentation by the Lethbridge Philatelic Society #57. Fascinating people who collect stamps; philately. They face immanent perils as far fewer postage stamps are being used; lots are still printed… but I got thinking that the real opportunity is in email stamps! Well, one thing lead to another and here we are.
Bitcoins are OUT ! Bitstamps are IN ! Rival service Yahoo is expected to launch their own next week.