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President Redefines North American Maps, With Walls and New Borders for its Neighbours*

Here's My first Contribution to The FAKE NEWS.... 'cause " if we couldn't laugh we'd we'd all go insane, " (Jimmy Buffet ~ Changes in Latitudes)

This is Friday 42944 (that's in Excel format)

Or as I’d like to call it

Prickle-Prickle, Confusion 63, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3183

as per

True to his word, he has made a down payment on the construction of a wall between America and its southern neighbor, Mexico.

TFN one Screenshot-2017-7-30 TFN 1

I feel like I have so much to say! ..just to help us all out with all the fake news we are hearing! This will be week one of this new news Feature post.

Fair warning! It may or may not be done weekly. Full Disclosure! This is intended for fun, humour, and may or might not have something to do with the past week’s news reports, that I have seen or heard… somewhere. Some items may be news headlines, or complete news reports authored by me, simply concocted from my dreams. I don’t want to get political or religious in this blog; but there is only so much restraint that I can maintain! So the odd item may show up. There’s lots more; but that would take a manifesto; at a later date.

So Let’s jump right into it. OK first item will be political; I couldn’t help it. I actually dreamed this up last year.

The 45th. President of a large country (south of Canada and who, I stress, is in no way associated with the website 45pictures) is making great strides this week on his presidential action plan.

(*Canadian spellings are used here throughout; as a concession).

And just because he is such a fair player, he has also laid the foundation for a more equitable, better-defined border with the country’s northern neighbor, Canada. TFN reminds us that he is a great deal maker and, we must not forget, a real estate developer. It should not surprise us then to learn that there are trades that have been put into place; to be fair to America.

Here are the key points of his just announced plans.

NEW Wall for Mexico ~ as promised

Cash advanced to contractor ( an undisclosed Mexican contractor and/or yet to be announced relative to oversee construction)

In effect the wall will be paid for by Mexico; call it a land swap deal!

To keep it clean, quick (much shorter; hence savings for the Mexicans too!) as well as to make it easy to find and follow on the new maps, the wall will run right along the Tropic of Cancer. It only makes sense.

NEW Border for Canada ~ bonus!

And to be fair to both partners, The President has now promised a new, cleaner, more clearly defined border for Canada. “I like the 49th it’s got a nice sound to it. I don’t know why they stopped it heading East at the Great Lakes. So I’ll continue that 49er all the way to… I’m thinking that 80 degrees Longitude mark, and drop the border straight South from there. See Clean; simple; easy to Draw. See my map, coloured within most of the lines.

“We’ll take on all the responsibility of the lands (and lakes) South of that line. Oh and we’ll head East again the Ocean, running just below that Lake Ontario; they’ll like that. It’s a natural. As for the remaining Great Lakes; again it’s only logical to force the responsibility for all that fresh water onto the bigger shoulders of America, especially now that it is Great again. You’re welcome.”

This new plan will have the added benefit of cleaning up “issues” along the current USA/Mexico border; all Mexicans will be re-located to the area south of the Tropic of Cancer. America will assume responsibility for all the lands lying north of this wall/new border. The Tropic of Cancer (The president says he likes the ring of that border name, and feels it will not be necessary to change its name on any world maps).

The President was quoted in a tweet today,

“I like the KISS method, Let’s Keep it Clean, Simple, Stupid”

A great deal of thought from This Great President went into fulfilling this important campaign promise to Americans. He has left room for negotiations (the Great Deal-maker that He is). A source wishes to remain anonymous, because they (the Canadian gender-neutral term for her or she) is not authorized to speak on these matters, but none-the-less guarantees this fake news is factual. The source said The Big T has, up his sleeve bargaining tools such as Puerto Rico for Canada – a truly great winter vacation spot for the Canadians; maybe they won’t want to go to Cuba anymore.

A point yet to be finalized in negotiations with Mexico is the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula and Los Cabos (nice vacation spot we should takeover – a great golf course there!)

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