HaPpY, hApPy! Summer is here!
There are a couple of stories here.
Last evening, June 21, 2018 (pretty close to our annual Summer Solstice!) this image was awarded First Prize in the Lethbridge Photography Club Annual Year-end Submissions for Best Print by a Member. I am thrilled and proud of that. I wish to thank The Club and also the fellow who printed this on my (usual Lustre finish paper), Mike Paterson, of www.FirstChoicePhoto.ca and Paterson Photography Ltd. Yes, InDeeD! another locally owned family business. Another reason I like to proudly support ... @BuyLocalYQL
And here's the "backstory".
This image does "draw people in". It is an oddity, as over 90% is all Reflection; the palms are reflections (hence being "upsidedown").
The origins of this image date back to Dec 8, 2015 Day One of our winter vacation. We arrived at the Royalton Hicacos Resort & Spa, just outside of Varadero, Cuba; our 2nd trip to this marvelous resort, with its huge green spaces with mature Palms and walking paths. Well, this one was underwater from recent rains. We saw this lovely reflection of the trees. Over to the right, this heron was wading in the water (as they do). I pulled out Sandra's Panasonic Lumix and began capturing "what I saw" developing. This is how I see my world around me at that moment. The only parts of this image that are not reflections are the upright Heron, and the trunks of 3 trees, and a shoreline at the very top of the image. I hope you too can enjoy being drawn into this scene. ~gwd