"Waters Essence" an exhibition of photographs 2007
MY Gosh ! Ten Years ago 18 photos graced the walls of the the Music Room Gallery of The Bowman Arts Centre. Here is the artist's statement for that exhibition... the "back story", revealing my innermost? thoughts! TMI?
"Waters – Essence" Link to Gallery page here http://www.45pictures.com/weather-wind-water-clouds - a fitting title for a collection of images dealing with “the staff of life, the essence of all…etc.” Water would seem to be a very appropriate subject for an art display, for myself for this area certainly at this point in time. International Decade 'Water for Life' The UN recommended the proclamation of 2005-2015 as the International Decade on Water for Life. In considering if I would submit a proposal to AAC I started looking at subject matter, themes, and ideas. What is my art all about? Have I anything to present that people would enjoy, and something that would provide visual pleasure and perhaps at the same time give the viewer “pause to consider” more fully the subject matter as a visual experience, and something relevant to their life, and our community. In preparing ideas for a proposal I studied more recent works of mine and I see that my subjects have often involved water. I would not normally consider myself as a social commentator in my art. But, the Environment and apparently water have always had a special place in my spirit. And now Climate Change, resources and sustainability have become very hot topics. I originally began preparing this submission two years ago. I thought that water would still be a relevant topic then – if not even far moreso - especially if we don’t get smart with our environment and our relationship with it, and with water, our attitudes and our use of this resource. (.. Oh, oh- sounds like social commentary creeping in!) As creatures and societies we tend to gather around water. Well, we do need it to live. Hence the “Essence"! But it tends to be more to most people as well. We build cities along water. We build new subdivisions and put in … a lake! We put in ponds and fountains in our yards, in our homes, and commercial buildings. I have included a number of very diverse images for this exhibit; everything from wide panoramas, to an architectural study of the Yates (such timing!), to delicate macro’s of flowers. Some of the images may be deemed as traditional examples of the theme. Others are perhaps a stretch; very far removed from the obvious connection to water. So be it....Stretch! All the images are intended to provide a pleasant visual experience to the participant, and express my manner of observing life around me. “The power of water, the majesty, pollution, lifeblood, the essence of being,”-- lots of terms may come to the viewer’s mind. A glorious rainbow frames the Yates theatre, and yet another colourful rainbow in a puddle turns out to be oil spilled from a vehicle in a rainstorm.- pretty, but awful! Flowing, moving, flooding; water in action – both positive and negative, perhaps in the minds of humans; but something with power far greater than we may (from time to time) come to realize. We are not in control of this planet. Yet so often we go through this life feeling that we are or should be – we are the dominant life form on the planet, after-all! We determine the “values” of thing; including water, and oil and gas. Who would think forty years ago (centennial year), that people would be happily paying a dollar or more for a pop bottle filled with … water! Or over a dollar for a litre of gas! I have heard it said that WATER will be the OIL of the twenty first century…… not a good thing! So during the month of June and during Environment week give it some more thought. Look at “waters- essence” perhaps in a new light. But please do enjoy the imagery. Take time to stop and smell the flowers, laugh and love. Gwd Here’s a little bit about me/myself and m’art It all started when I was very young. You know … the drawing, the seeing, the wondering. I learned to draw with John Gnagy art books. Then I joined the photography club in high school. I wanted to become an artist, designing album covers for music (that was in the days of vinyl) Should I take Fine Arts or Commercial art? Then I figured I still had to pay the bills (is that selling out?) I agonized over it. With a background in art, graphic design, photography, documentary production and more recently with oil paintings I have called upon my diverse interests and techniques to assemble this display. While diverse in nature, the pieces show the common element and the design traits of my vision I’ve done lots. I’ve enjoyed many incredible experiences, with few regrets. I like to capture things as I enjoy seeing them. (As a photographer I lived many years of my life through a viewfinder!) I am returning to m’art. I just do it. I like to share and express my observations – simply to share the feelings. So I hope people will see something they enjoy, and go forth and see things perhaps in a different light for themselves. I thank-you for this opportunity to submit this proposal to the Allied arts Council. I appreciate the time and interest you have shown in my work. G. Wayne Dwornik I do hope you’ve found this both interesting, and pleasing. I am receptive to your comments to edit the ideas contained and rework the project in order to better present something worthwhile to the gallery, its patrons, guests and the community. As taken from the official site of the International Year of Freshwater 2003! World Water Day which takes place annually on March 22. http://www.wateryear2003.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=1456&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html International Decade 'Water for Life' The UN recommended the proclamation of 2005-2015 as the International Decade on Water for Life.