Roll out the old year, please!
My Oh My! what a year it was! But enough about that! crap (that's Not what this blog is for, after-all).
We rolled out the year with some real Alberta winter weather. On Friday evening we attended the Winter Lights Festival at the NYJG - Nikka Yuko Japanese Gardens. As this was a Canada Centennial project in '67 they celebrate their 50th. Anniversary in 2017, as our wonderful country marks its Sesquicentennial (150th.) . It was a spectacular display and a perfect night for us. Then on Saturday attended another performance by New West Theatre at The Yates Centre here in Lethbridge. It was a matinee show; I went in not feeling so great. As always, NWT brought me around. I can't help but feel so much better following a performance by this wonderful local theatre troupe; this time was certainly no exception. I left with a smile on my face, a song on my mind, and (I think) even a spring in my step! In fact I think this may have been the Best show of theirs I have seen.